Technogoddess disappearance

I know everyone has been worried about me, all 4 of you, but I have returned! Due to a dead modem, I was without interwebs for 5 days or so. Also, I blame Word Thief for stealing me away this past weekend to do fun girly things that I forget I like to do. This memory loss comes from working with older men in the office and becoming a social shut-in to finish Final Fantasy 13. Which I haven't yet... which I will do.

So recently I told you all about my adventures with Best Buy delivery service... Well, in my case, the squeaky wheel gets the oil. I called and told the lady I was very unhappy with having to leave work to be at my apartment at the non-scheduled time just to get my TV. I also told her manager what happened and to make a long story short, I got my delivery fee refunded :D

Now about my interwebs... my cable worked, so I knew it was either the router or the modem or both, but since I didn't have a spare (and I wasn't about to go buy one) I had to wait for the cable guy. This is what I wish I looked like while I was waiting...

As you can tell, I'm all about the FF13 lately :D So he checked my cable, agreed that the cables were fine and signal was getting through. Then he switched out the modem to a Motorola modem (the old one was Scientific Atlantic or something stupid like that) and pretty much got up to leave. I stopped him and told him only when I had internet on every wireless device I had was he allowed to leave. When I was satisfied I had everything connected, I let him leave. Then, the next day, I had to power cycle my modem again. Now, this was what happened before the other modem died. About once a week I had to power cycle the modem and router to get internet connection. Now, maybe my IP addresses might be conflicting. However, I refuse to check into the problem unless I lose interwebs again. I have wayyy too much to do online to play around with IPs... like blogging :D

Now, I know E3 was last week, but I feel the need to update my blog with each big conference's big announcements and what I need answered before I buy into all this new equipment coming out. It will be a 3-4 blog process, but it will happen, don't you worry!

Stay tuned friends, my life proves never to be dull!

Technology Tip of the Day:

Power cycling is one of the most basic things you can do with electronic equipment such as cable modems or routers. See a funny South Park clip hosted by that shows you exactly how to power cycle. (In all reality, he should have waited 10 seconds before plugging back in, but you get the general picture). It is much like a hard reset, but this requires that the router obtain an entirely new connection to the internet, therefore fixing a broken one. According to and I have to agree with how it was worded... " Reasons for power cycling include having an electronic device reinitialize its configuration or recover from an unresponsive state of its mission critical functionality, such as in a crash or hang situation. Power cycling can also be used to reset network activity inside a modem." So, next time you talk to a cable guy on the phone and he says "well, have you power cycled it?" you can confidently say "yes, I unplugged the damned thing for 10 seconds, plugged it back in and nothing fricking happened, now send someone out here before I have to talk to your manager". Hope this helps!

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